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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Obama signs military policy repeal

Hundreds attend ceremony marking end of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., an openly gay member of Congress, collects himself during the signing ceremony for “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal legislation.  (Associated Press)
Margaret Talev McClatchy

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signed the repeal of the military’s ban on gays serving openly in the nation’s armed forces on Wednesday, fulfilling a campaign pledge and ushering in an uncertain new era not just for the military but for the hot-button issue of gender and sexual politics.

More than 500 advocates, lawmakers, members of the military and former soldiers who had been discharged for homosexuality crowded into the ceremony, which was held in a Department of Interior auditorium to accommodate the crowd.

The atmosphere was jovial and a little rowdy, with chants of “Yes, we did!” and “U-S-A, U-S-A!” Many shouted out, “Enlist us now!”

“I am just overwhelmed,” Obama said. “This is a very good day.”

Former Air Force flight nurse Maj. Margaret Witt, of Spokane, and retired nurse Army Col. Grethe Cammermeyer, of Whidbey Island, Wash., were among those in attendance.

Cammermeyer sued for reinstatement in 1992 after being drummed out for being a lesbian.

Witt was discharged just short of retirement after the Air Force learned she had been in a relationship with a civilian woman.

Both won reinstatement after courts found their dismissals unconstitutional.

How soon the repeal will take effect, allowing gays and lesbians to join the military and serve openly, remained uncertain. The president made clear the repeal won’t take effect until he and top defense officials certify the military’s readiness, as the law requires, but assured, “We are not going to be dragging our feet to get this done.”

In an interview Tuesday that was published on the website of the gay newspaper the Advocate, Obama said he believes implementation will be a matter of months, though some Pentagon officials have suggested it could take as long as a year.

“We will get this done in a timely fashion, and the chiefs are confident that it will get done in a timely fashion,” Obama said in the interview, referring to the heads of the four military branches. “They understand this is not something that they’re going to be slow-walking.”

He said that Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had promised to take with him during his vacation the recommendations on how to lift “don’t ask, don’t tell” that were part of an eight-month Pentagon study of attitudes toward gays in the military.

Obama also said he had received assurances from Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos, the most vocal of the service heads to oppose ending “don’t ask, don’t tell,” that the Marines would implement the new policy without hesitation. “He’s going to make it work,” Obama said.

Obama was less certain in the interview on whether the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” will lead to other changes in the way gays and lesbians are treated, particularly on the issue of marriage.

Obama has said previously that he opposes gay marriage, but in the Advocate interview he said his views on the issue “are evolving.” He also said his administration is considering a “range of options” to counter the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman and allows states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

“I have a whole bunch of really smart lawyers who are looking at a whole range of options. My preference wherever possible is to get things done legislatively,” Obama said, according to the Advocate.

Associated Press contributed to this report.