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Children deserve defense

As the governing board chair for Partners with Families and Children, a nonprofit center for treatment of abused and neglected children, I’m alarmed.

In 23 years of operation, we have noted the ever-improving sophistication and efficiency of our community’s helping systems for our most vulnerable children: law enforcement, the courts, Child Protective Services, education, health and social services professionals. A growing body of research, some local and most from quality academic experts, guides our interventions with families.

Two years ago, the national statistics showed a definite downward trend of child abuse. We no longer tolerated adults taking out their frustrations on the small and defenseless.

Perhaps the greatest cost of this economic depression is the toll taken on our youngest.

So far this year, 38 abuse-related injuries have been admitted to Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital. Two were lethal, but all have lifetime consequences.

We have to do more to prevent this carnage.

I challenge the 44,000 city voters who did NOT vote for a property tax to fund improved outcomes for the children to give generously this year to the youth-and-family-serving nonprofit of their choice.

If not now, when?

Bill Hawley


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