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Six-point plan

Deficit spending is robbing us of a predictable economic future. Politicians are elected with the people’s greatest hopes, only to get into office and not fully represent the people who elected them, often falling into the grasp of special interests.

I have never understood why we cannot vote on national issues. If we the people can’t get control of this government, we are destined to be forever on a “tax treadmill,” becoming economic slaves to our government.

Six areas we need to survive as a country: 1.) Deficit spending not allowed, the value of our hard-earned money must be protected for the long term. 2.) The citizens of the United States must be allowed national referendum voting rights if we want to change legislation we don’t agree with (60 percent required for approval). 3.) All citizens must pay some income tax regardless of income level (8 to 10 percent even on low income levels). 4.) Federal mandates on the states must be partially and fairly funded by the federal government to protect states’ rights. 5.) Extended foreign military actions must be approved by a 60 percent vote of the people (except for direct attacks). 6.) Our borders must be secured.

Donald F. Crawford

Ephrata, Wash.

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