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Flora Goldstein’s letter (“Deficit views inconsistent,” Aug. 19) is illustrative of the tortured logic of the left. How can you possibly say the $26 billion state aid bailout legislation is “fully paid for”? When was it paid for and by whom?

When you charge something on your credit card, do you also consider that “fully paid for”? When you order a basket of goods on credit and then later change one item for another, that item is still an expense you have to pay for.

Regarding Bush’s tax cuts for “the rich”: When are you people going to stop being dishonest on this? As you already know, tax rates were cut for everyone who pays taxes, not just “the rich.” The real taxpaying travesty in this country is nearly half of the population pays no federal income tax at all. Also, what twisted sense of logic speaks of tax cuts as deficit-inducing while at the same time says nothing of out-of-control spending?

Those who pay taxes pay enough already. The real problem is too much spending. Those who think like Flora, good intentioned as they may be, will destroy this country financially.

Mike Gross


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