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Climate action can’t wait

“Inaction dooms global climate,” read the headline on Amy Goodman’s column on Aug. 13 in the S-R. This strong and factual column should be an impetus for us to demand actions by our Congress people.

Who are the climate disbelievers? First, those who financially benefit from no action on climate change. Second, U.S. citizens who don’t like bad news so don’t communicate to our Congress people.

Globally, the last decade was the hottest in the historical record; drought, record-high temperatures and now wildfires are devastating parts of Russia; extreme flooding in Pakistan and China; and very low rainfall in parts of India.

Unfortunately, Congress, through inaction, prevented the U.S. from taking a climate-change leading role at the recent Copenhagen world meeting. Very badly needed is U.S. congressional action both to recognize and to lead global action to combat climate change.

Julian Powers


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