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The Slice: This isn’t what people mean when they say, ‘Get a room’

Family togetherness is a fine thing.

But a just-married couple beginning their honeymoon might want a little privacy.

Sue Glass’ son recently got hitched in the Finger Lakes district of New York. Some of the wedding attendees were staying that night at the same inn.

After the reception festivities had wrapped up, the bride and groom discovered that, well, I’ll let Glass tell it.

“My husband and I were staying in room 284. My father was staying two doors down in room 280. The newlyweds were assigned to room 282, right between us.”

One need not have an especially leering view of the wedding night to see why that would have been less than ideal.

“Fortunately for them, my sister realized this and quickly offered to change rooms with them so my son wouldn’t have to spend his wedding night in the hotel room between his mother and his grandfather.”

Sometimes there’s no substitute for a fast-thinking aunt.

Today’s pet-name origin story: “My daughter Chelsea had a cat whose name she would change with the release of each new Disney movie,” wrote Lori Mason.

Seems like that could get confusing, even for an adaptable feline.

“The two that stuck for the longest were Sebastian and Simba.”

Maybe that cat’s attitude was “Just don’t call me late for dinner.”

Procrastination one-upmanship: Glenn Jacklin saw my “Let’s get together after Labor Day” list and had this to offer.

“How about, ‘Ya know, Labor Day is just around the corner, let’s tackle this after Memorial Day weekend.’ ”

To find out about the Spokane Marmots bicycle polo team: Go to

Warning: You might encounter twentysomethings talking the way many twentysomethings actually talk.

Point of order: Before I get around to dealing with record albums readers almost played the grooves off, here’s an observation from Jeffrey Neuberger: “As I recall, a record album had one groove.”

Today’s Slice question: Does watching cable TV shows about out-of-control hoarders make you want to start getting rid of stuff?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail If you are mad at the world, you’re probably mad at The Spokesman-Review, too.

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