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Freeway promises kept
As a north-sider, I was impressed when candidate Chris Marr knocked on my door four years ago and promised to fight for Spokane’s fair share of gas tax dollars to build the long-promised North Spokane Corridor.
Like my neighbors, I shared their frustration about how long we have put up with long, stop-and-go trips on Division, high-speed traffic and wear and tear on neighborhood streets. He got my vote, and I made a point to monitor his commitment to fix the problem.
Shortly after his election, I noted that Sen. Marr was appointed vice chairman of the Transportation Committee with a key budget-writing role. Then I saw that he was able to obtain $138 million in additional funding for the North Spokane Corridor over four years – more than any other new state highway project. Not only will that allow me to commute on six lanes between Wandermere and Francis in 2012, it will also provide the money to buy the land and to design the section from Francis to the Spokane River.
Sen. Marr has kept his promise to Spokane to build the North Spokane Corridor. We need to send him back to Olympia to finish the job.
Jo E. Steiger