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Facility levy not needed

With our governments struggling to make ends meet and several taxing districts increasing their levies despite our economic woes, they are back to property owners in three Kootenai County school districts to fund another facility and program when we’re unable to afford the existing ones.

Current programs are already subsidized by taxpayers for the training of students upon graduating high school. Why would we pay to “professionally train” high school students with no employment guarantees? There’s nothing to stop them from moving to better-paying areas. Proponents claim the need exists to fuel our employment pool, that construction opportunities are ripe and somehow we owe it to these students to train them for their futures. Wishful thinking, the carrot, and moral blackmail! Most of these kids have no clue as to their future.

It’s about time you stand up and voice your objection. Please stop asking government bureaucrats to enter into areas better left to private industry. We surely don’t need more ill-managed facilities/programs supported by taxpayers. I personally, as a small business owner, paid the tuition and fees for certain employees to attend North Idaho College Workforce Training. This should not be the responsibility of property owners. Vote no!

Peter Ward

Spirit Lake

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