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Keen oversight needed

I was sorely disappointed in The Spokesman-Review editorial about the Spokane County commission race (Aug. 1).

In these hard times we especially need to retain Bonnie Mager as the often only fiscally responsible member of the county commission.

I have known Bonnie for many years and her keen ability to make well-informed and considerate decisions sets her apart from the other commissioners.

It is at times like the present that we must examine new options that offer more effective solutions while reducing costs.

The jail issue is an excellent example of this. Waiting another year just might be the best way to proceed. With our declining inmate population, perhaps we don’t need a new jail. Offering community treatment and prevention programs are likely a more cost effective and better long-term solution. This would of course require the more active involvement of individual communities, but Bonnie is very good working with communities. As she says, communities are her special interest.

Bonnie has brought more transparency to the county government. Having three peas in a pod as county commissioners would likely bring back secret meetings.

Her integrity and values drive her leadership while not succumbing to quick, ill-conceived decisions.

Rosemarie Bisiar


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