Accuracy watch
The Spokesman-Review is committed to accuracy. If you think we have made an error, call (509) 459-5403 or e-mail editorforum@ Home delivery questions? Call (509) 747-4422
Band info incorrect
An Associated Press photo on the cover of Thursday’s Today section showed Jeff Hanna and John McEuen of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. They were misidentified because of an error by AP.
Lentil festival date wrong
A calendar item in Wednesday’s Food section contained the incorrect date for events at the National Lentil Festival in Pullman, Aug. 20-22. Events on Aug. 20 include free lentil chili, live music, arts and crafts, tasting tent, food, information booths and games.
Crash location wrong
Due to a reporter’s error, a Thursday brief misidentified the location of a car accident in which the driver was cited for driving under the influence and vehicular assault. The driver was westbound on Trent Avenue before the accident.