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Signs of disrespect

I’ve always been excited and involved in the political campaign process. Over the years I have gone doorbelling, held coffee hours and even put up yard signs. But this year in Spokane we have gone from the simple concept of using yard signs to demonstrate endorsements to using them to establish name identity.

Campaigns are putting these signs on private property without owners’ permission and on public rights of way. You have established name identity with me. I vote against individuals that destroy the natural beauty of Spokane in order to get elected.

For those property owners who take advantage of free speech and put 15 or more yard signs in their yard – many duplicates for the same candidate – where is your consideration of your neighbors and your neighborhood? Just like the City Council has passed zoning legislation related to billboards, I hope they will consider constitutionally correct methods of bringing this littering under control.

Jon Louis


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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