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Joint forest approach welcome

I enjoyed Becky Kramer’s article on July 29 about the Northeast Washington Forestry Coalition’s visionary efforts to put politics aside to protect backcountry areas while assuring workable solutions for local economies.

But I must admit I have a bias. I’m a hunter, not the kind who sits atop an ATV. As a frequent visitor to the Colville National Forest’s (CNF) few remaining backcountry areas, including the Kettle Crest and the Salmo-Priest Wilderness, I want more protection for the landscape.

But I also want personal protection from the hordes of ATV abusers who I frequently see ignoring road closures and riding off-trail. They have significantly degraded the backcountry experience across the West for users of all descriptions: backpackers, hunters, anglers, berry pickers, etc. The CNF is no exception.

Not all ATV riders are irresponsible, of course, and responsible folks deserve places to ride, just not when their riding deteriorates public lands and ruins outdoor experiences for the majority, those who seek a quieter, human- or horse-powered experience.

Finding a fair balance for all users of the CNF is a noble and long-overdue goal that the Northeast Forestry Coalition is actively achieving. They deserve broad support.

Jeff Holmes


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