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Get priorities straight

After my son’s car was stolen and stripped in December and my car stolen and ransacked in March I asked the responding police officers about the success of prosecuting auto thieves in Spokane. The officers stated that although there is a car theft nearly every four hours in Spokane there is a low priority assigned to the prosecution of property crimes. I then asked how is priority assigned to criminal activity, and they said it is assigned by City Council, the police chief and the prosecutor’s office.

I later met Dave Stevens and was immediately struck with his enthusiasm and his approach to criminal prosecution. With thousands of outstanding warrants in Spokane, the community is no longer the Spokane we once knew. Spokane has become a haven for the criminal and criminal gangs.

With Dave Stevens as the new county prosecutor, the priorities of criminal prosecution and their removal from our community will finally become a reality.

I have spoken to police officers and attorneys who hold Dave Stevens in very high regard and look forward to an aggressive approach to criminal prosecution. I support Dave Stevens as the new county prosecutor.

Bruce Thomson


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