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GOP for Medicare?

The Spokesman-Review

I find the Republican defense of Medicare humorous and hypocritical. Their motto has always been: “If you can’t afford it yourself, you don’t deserve it.”

If they had their way, there would be no Medicare or Medicaid, no Social Security, no government-supported unemployment insurance or workers’ compensation, no public schools, no free vaccinations, no minimum wage, no OSHA or EPA, no energy assistance and no food stamps. The programs that support these things are all “socialist” and help us maintain a high standard of living while promoting public health and safety.

We need some socialism, particularly during capitalist-induced depressions and recessions, to keep our country going. Furthermore, Christianity, which most of us profess, is by its nature socialist for it makes us our “brothers’ keeper,” tells us to “give the laborer his due” and supports charitable works, which includes giving assistance to the elderly, disabled and poor.

Republican support for Medicare is a political ruse to garner votes. The Republicans would get rid of it and all other social spending if they could. Their track record speaks for itself, but is anyone listening?

Judith M. Jones


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