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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Liberty Lake Library program covers walls, highlights works

Visitors to the Liberty Lake Library this month have seen something different – watercolor paintings of children and dogs hanging on the walls. The paintings were all created by Liberty Lake resident Linda Schneider, who is the third artist to take advantage of the Library’s new artist program.

Every month a new artist will display their work on the walls and be given a chance to host a public event. “It’s got to be something informative or it could be teaching,” said library director Pamela Mogen.

Schneider’s watercolors are of her young son, now 17, and the family pets. “I always had paintings hanging up instead of photographs,” she said.

She also does contemporary ornate pictorial calligraphy, though none is on display at the library. She creates cards for the Papyrus Co. and has recently published a book called “Designing Faces, Figures and Florals.”

Schneider started drawing when she was 4 and never stopped, though she has limited formal training. “As an artist, your hand can never sit still,” she said.

The artist program started in September. So far the library has hosted three painters, but future art can include everything from photographs to sculptures. “It’s not just whales and watercolors,” Mogen said. “This way we get our walls covered, and we don’t have to buy anything.”

Mogen had been mulling over what to do with her blank walls for some time. “It had always been my vision to be able to hang art in the library,” she said. “Eventually I’d like to be able to have a rotating collection of art so people could check out art like they can books.”

This summer local artist Natalie Gauvin approached Mogen to ask about her plans for art. She’s now the library’s volunteer art exhibit manager and is in charge of selecting the artists and installing their work. The library purchased the same type of hanging system used by galleries so no holes have to be put in the walls.

Any artist can submit an application to be considered for the library’s artist program. “We’re talking local artists,” Mogen said. “That could mean anywhere from Eastern Washington through Western Montana.”

The purpose of the program is to highlight art, not sell it, she said. “It’s primarily for display, but artists are welcome to leave their contact information,” she said.

The new program seems to be well received. “There are a lot of comments on how nice it makes the library look,” Mogen said. “We’re really excited about what we can do on the walls here. The response has been so positive so far.”