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The Slice: The ABCs of local home sales

Here’s a question.

What word best describes the asking price of most homes for sale in the Spokane area?

A) Delusional. B) Optimistic. C) Hilarious. D) Insulting. E) Unrealistic. F) Impudent. G) Reasonable. H) Fantasy. I) Routine.

Slice answers: “If scientists were examining my doodling they would discover that I think most public meetings are tedious and the back side of most men’s heads reveal poorly crafted haircuts,” said a local government official.

Kathy Whiteaker attended a wedding in Duluth last month and she reports that the Minnesota city has almost as many skywalks as Spokane. (If you have been there in winter, you might understand why.)

Laurie Eash said her grandfather, John Loeffler, worked as a machinist at the Rainier brewery here in Spokane and drank his share of the product. That included a mug of fresh beer each day at lunchtime.

Workplace rules and regulations were a little different then.

Kids today: Judy McKeehan’s 2 ½-year-old granddaughter is friends with an imaginary squirrel that she sometimes expects her mother to carry around.

Trick-or-treat headcounts: The numbers were too inconsistent to offer guidance for trend analysis. Some neighborhoods were up, some down. And a few stayed about the same.

Thanks to all who reported. We’ll see how it goes next year, when Halloween is on a Sunday and traditionalists and demonizers are certain to lock horns.

Today’s Slice question: You can say you have been in a state if you have …

A) Flown over it. B) Driven through it. C) Opened the car door and put your foot on the ground. D) Changed planes at one of its airports. E) Spent 24 hours there. F) Other.

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Were there actually any weddings on Nov. 22 or 23 in 1963?

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