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Faith community to discuss food issues

“How can we ensure that no one goes hungry while also ensuring a safe, beautiful earth for our grandchildren?”

The search for answers to that question led Wanda Daehlin, a supporter of local food and a Christian, to organize the Food and Faith Forum on Nov. 14.

Local faith community members have long helped feed needy families and more recently have rallied to preserve the environment by embracing efforts to support growers of organic, local food.

But those missions can seem in conflict because the price of that food is often out of reach for those who rely on food banks, free meals and food stamps, according to a news release from the Faith and Environment Network.

Daehlin, the network and the Creation Care Committee at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church will host the forum about hunger and environmental sustainability Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s, 316 E. 24th Ave.

Pastors, local food proponents, farmers and producers will join the discussion.

Keynote speakers are Peter Illyn of Restoring Eden, Christians for Environmental Stewardship, and Pastor Craig Goodwin of Millwood Presbyterian Church, author of the blog “Year of Plenty.”

Admission is $20 and includes lunch from One World Spokane. To register, contact Felicia Reilly at (509) 294-3944 or at faithandenvironment

Tickets also will be sold at the door.

Cork and Keg set for Nov. 21

Find the perfect wine for Thanksgiving at the Spokane Cork and Keg Festival at Mirabeau Park Hotel, 1100 N. Sullivan Road in Spokane Valley.

More than 100 wines and 30 beers from the Northwest and beyond will be served Nov. 21, along with hors d’oeuvres prepared by chef/instructor Curtis Smith and students of the Inland Northwest Culinary Academy at Spokane Community College.

There will be a silent auction and wine store with discounted prices. Sales tax will not be charged.

Tickets are $45 and can be purchased with a cash or check at Spokane-area Rosauers stores, Huckleberry’s, Vino! A Wine Shop, Williams Seafood Market and Wines, and Jim’s Home Brew. To use a credit card, call (509) 467-7744.

For more information, go to www.spokanecork