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Zelaya is the risk

The Spokesman-Review

Daily I am reading articles in The Spokesman-Review about a so-called coup in Honduras.

It seems that U.S. foreign policy has changed significantly because President Obama has come down on what would have been considered the anti-American side not that long ago.

What is being referred to as a military coup in Honduras is actually a successful response by Hondurans to preserve their constitutional system of government from an international alliance of communists and socialists.

What happened is that the legislative and judicial branches of the government in Honduras, in conjunction with the armed forces, acted to maintain and defend their constitution from a power-mad president who was a puppet of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.

The leftist Zelaya was narrowly elected in 2005. His main purpose has been to remove the constitutional limitation of one term as president. Zelaya was moving to rewrite the Honduran constitution to extend and expand his power, while retaliating against those who stood in his way.

Honduras is asking for media fairness on how they saved their constitutional system, and yet the Obama administration and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela sponsored a United Nations resolution condemning the people of Honduras.

Russell Brown

Spirit Lake

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