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Situational tolerance

The Spokesman-Review

“Tolerance!” is often the battle cry of organizations promoting homosexual behavior. Yet, when it comes to practicing what they preach, these activists are remarkably intolerant. Nothing illustrates that better than

In May, Gov. Gregoire signed Senate Bill 5688 granting “registered domestic partnerships” the equivalent legal status of marriage. Pro-family supporters immediately filed Referendum 71 and must collect 120,577 valid signatures by July 25. If successful, SB5688 will be voted on statewide in November. is promising to publish, on the Internet, personal information of those signing Referendum 71 to “prevent voter fraud” and “foster discussion.” Yet, that’s not what happened recently in California when a similar Web site published personal information. Marriage Amendment supporters there had homes and churches vandalized, lost jobs and faced threats of violence and death.

Alliance Defense Fund is involved in a major lawsuit to stop such a flagrant misuse of public information. ADF has set up a hotline (800-655-6592) and Web site,, for Washingtonians who believe they’ve suffered retaliation because their names appeared on

We The People have a right to sign, or not sign, Referendum 71 and vote accordingly without fear of retaliation. That is, and has always been, the “tolerant” American way.

Matt Shea

Washington state representative


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