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The Slice: We know the cash didn’t go up in smoke

C. Rolfe Sherwood of Airway Heights has done the math.

He figures he has saved $22,780.62 as a result of his decision to quit smoking in 1980.

But he has a question: “Where is it?”

Slice answers: In the matter of your first thought upon waking up on Monday morning, several retirees said it’s “What day is this?”

A couple of others suggested their first thought is to wonder if the Monday paper will have shrunk even more.

Marge Walker said she wakes up thinking about getting ready for garbage day.

Early notice: The Slice declares July 14 to be Talk Like You’re in “Easy Rider” Day.

That will be the 40th anniversary of the influential film’s domestic release.

So how exactly do you talk like you are in that movie?

Well, you can ponder the nature of personal freedom. You can say things like “I’m hip about time.” Or, to make it easy, you can simply tack a countercultural “man” onto every utterance.

Let’s move on, man.

This date in Slice history (1995): What sound gets your pet’s attention?

Following up: Remember the robins that built their nest in a bicycle hanging upside-down above a South Hill patio (The Slice, May 24)? Well, the next generation did fine and successfully took wing.

Three things to avoid asking “Halloween” director John Carpenter when he is here to make a movie: 1. So what was it like being married to Adrienne Barbeau?

2. The young Jamie Lee Curtis seemed to defy gravity. Thoughts?

3. So your career is pretty much over?

Today’s Slice question: From what you hear, what do people who move away from Spokane discover that they miss/don’t miss about this area?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail For previous Slice columns, see Thanks for the vacation postcards.

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