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Plowing comparison fails

The Spokesman-Review

Concerning Ms. Scott’s letter of Jan. 22, I would like to correct some errors and misconceptions. The town of Bountiful, Utah, has 150 lane-miles to plow (that is not a typo, 150 miles) and 22 pieces of equipment. I know; I called them.

Likewise, Salt Lake City has 1,785 lane-miles, 77 pieces of equipment and 177 employees. The city of Spokane has 2,186 lane-miles to plow, 40 pieces of equipment and approximately 50 employees.

The ratio of lane-miles to plow vs. pieces of equipment and people to run said equipment is much higher in the mentioned cities in Ms. Scott’s letter. This requires tax dollars!

Knowledge of how to plow isn’t what is lacking, it’s public funding to buy adequate equipment and manpower.

As far as how soon they were plowing, the snow started falling Dec. 17; crews were plowing by Dec. 17. As an educator in the schools, might I suggest you do the research and the math before you put the pen to paper.

Shelley Anderson


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