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Purchase domestic meat

The Spokesman-Review

I have noticed our local grocery stores are attempting to comply with the Country of Origin Labeling, which went into effect on Sept. 30. But I am disappointed some labels say, “Product of U.S., Canada, and Mexico.”

Our American ranchers and farmers produce the safest, healthiest and tastiest food in the world. I would like to purchase only “Product of U.S.” beef, pork, chicken, lamb, etc.

I want the choice to purchase locally grown food and American products. If we all buy U.S.A. products, we will keep our food production in the U.S.A. and not from foreign counties. If American ranchers and farmers are put out of business, do we really want your food coming from other countries? Look what dependence on foreign oil has done to America.

I hope everyone will join me in supporting our local ranchers and farmers. When purchasing your next meat products – ask for “Product of U.S.A.”

Emmett Soden

Moses Lake

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999 W. Riverside Ave.
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(509) 459-3815

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