Work progressing on Rosauers at Five Mile
Construction could be complete by the end of April
When the roof collapsed on Rosauers’ Five Mile location under a heavy load of snow, nobody was seriously hurt. The store was so damaged it had to close, but rather than sending people home, all the employees were transferred to other stores and kept on the payroll.
Rebuilding is in full swing, and Jeff Philipps, president and CEO of Rosauers, said it’s been an insanely busy time.
“We got a deal with our contractor so they will work six-day weeks, putting in 60-hour workweeks,” said Philipps. “We are looking at opening at the end of April.”
Crews first pulled the old, collapsed roof off and out of the building.
“It’s been very fast-paced,” Philipps said.
Then last week, construction crews finished pouring the footing that will hold the new roof.
This week, trusses are arriving at the construction site.
Flooring in the entire store has to be replaced as well, mostly because of water damage following the roof collapse.
“We will do what we can to put the store back together the way it was,” said Philipps. “We want it to be very similar to before, so customers don’t have to relearn the entire store.”