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Protest Avista
Well, everyone, here we go again. Avista did not get what they wanted for a natural gas increase in the last round, so they are filing to get another increase. They are still advertising how great it is to live in the Northwest with such great natural resources and that the natural gas is plentiful and encourage everyone to obtain natural gas.
Well, I received my bill for December, and wow! The thermostat did not go above 64 and was down to 60 at night and the bill was outrageous. What about the elderly and the working poor that have such limited budgets and are already living in the cold and dark?
Our only recourse is to contact the Washington utilities commission and protest this atrocity, and when the commission comes to Spokane everyone needs to attend the meeting with the commission and Avista. It is only going to get worse; however, the CEO of Avista will continue to receive his million-plus.
Peggie Boothe