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Perspective is everything

The Spokesman-Review

There is one thing that Marcia Girnus (Letters, Dec. 19) should take into consideration: Donald Clegg is as much an American as she is and has as much right to have his opinions published as does Pastor Steve Massey. But given her vitriolic reaction to any of Mr. Clegg’s columns, I would have to wonder what her reaction would be if, instead, she were reading the faith and values opinions of non-Christians?

Pastor Massey’s contributions may be brilliant, but only because Ms. Girnus agrees with them in the first place. On the other hand, did Ms. Girnus learn anything from Pastor Massey’s faith and values columns? Such as, what Christ himself taught as love. Not only God, but also your neighbor and even your enemies.

If she didn’t learn any of that from the good pastor’s columns, then her letter is neither one of faith or values. And Massey’s columns are hardly brilliant if he didn’t teach his readers what they needed to know.

Joan E. Harman

Dalton Gardens, Idaho

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