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Bench ban irrational

The Spokesman-Review

While driving by the numerous signs and billboards that loom over Division Street, I contemplated the city’s decision to eliminate the “eyesores” of the modest ads on benches along the bus routes. I find no logical reason for the city’s action.

Now, the city pays nothing for the benches; it actually receives a modest income for allowing a private company to place, tend and repair the benches; businesses have a way to advertise; a private company has income; and those who use public transit have places to sit – everybody wins.

By eliminating the private vendor, the city loses income and either has to pay for replacement benches or eliminate them, since the STA refuses to pay for new benches; those who use public transit are seriously inconvenienced; the present vendor loses significant income, possibly resulting in job layoffs; businesses lose an advertising source; and the real causes of sign pollution remain – everyone loses.

If advertising on the benches somehow violates a city ordinance, the only reasonable thing to do is amend the ordinance to permit such ads – everybody wins.

William Mahaney


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