One charged after man dies in Grant County fight

A Grant County man was arrested Saturday in the shooting death of 23-year-old Manuel Antonio Arousa.
Israel Morfin, 27 of Sunnyside, Wash., is being held for second-degree murder in Grant County Jail and will be arraigned April 20.
Arousa died of a single gunshot wound to his head during an incident that began about 10:35 a.m. Saturday in Warden, Wash., police said.
Arousa, of Warden, and a friend were parked in front of a residence when Morfin and another man approached, police said. An argument ensued about money Arousa owed to Morfin, said Grant County Undersheriff John Turley. Money was exchanged, and Morfin began to remove stereo speakers from Arousa’s car.
“As Morfin was walking past Arousa after retrieving the stereo speakers, Arousa apparently said something to Morfin that stirred him enough to assault Arousa with a handgun,” Turley said. “The handgun went off, firing one round striking Arousa in the head.”
Morfin was arrested after a pursuit by deputies through Grant, Adams and Yakima counties with the assistance of Washington State Patrol in an airplane, Turley said.
The homicide remains under investigation.