Spokane Valley Partners – Volunteers who can give two or more hours per week are needed to sort clothes and operate client tracking software for the Spokane Valley Partners clothing bank. Contact Connie at (509) 927-1153, ext. 18.
City of Spokane – Volunteer to assist in counting Spokane’s Homeless Population. Training is provided. Numerous sites and dates are available. Contact Amy Jones at (509) 625-6130 or e-mail akjones@spokanecity.org.
Second Harvest Inland Northwest – Volunteer for Yoke’s supermarkets food drive and help fight hunger. Participating stores include Airway Heights, Montgomery Ave. and Argonne Road, North Indian Trail Road, East Sprague Avenue in Veradale, North Foothills Drive and North Market Street in Mead. Shifts are 8 a.m. to noon, noon to 4 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. To sign up and for more information contact Julie at (509) 252-6242.