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Any income tax will expand

The Spokesman-Review

Re: “Brown, Chopp weighing state income tax,” April 3:

I purchased my home in Spokane rather than Post Falls 10 years ago for one reason: no state income taxes.

While I didn’t have income of $500,000 (which is currently under consideration for applying state income tax), I did hope to grow my income to that level, and if there had been a Washington state income tax at the time, I would have purchased my home in Idaho (even if I hadn’t reached that tax bracket yet).

My role in my business is now largely “virtual,” and I can choose to live wherever I want as long as it’s near an airport. I hope to keep moving up the income brackets – but I will choose to live wherever it benefits my family the most.

The tax policies coming out of Olympia have direct effects on people’s relocation decisions, not all of which are intended or easy to accurately quantify – even policies written as if they only affect a small subset of our citizens. And once a state income tax is instituted, the tax brackets will continually be lowered to reach more of us. Count on it.

Curt Craig


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