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Fundraiser mixes food, recycling and faith

Lorie Hutson

The Faith and Environment Network is hosting a dinner and fundraiser designed to bring green thinking to local churches.

The Second Chance Extravaganza, scheduled for Sept. 28 at St. John’s Cathedral, will showcase the group’s efforts to encourage sustainability, reusing, recycling and eating healthy foods from local farms. The practice combining faith and environmental stewardship is becoming known as “creation care.”

The event will include an auction of gently used art, antiques and local goods starting at 3:30 p.m., with dinner at 5.

The meal will be prepared by Chef Tim Hartman of Vin Rouge using fresh, local ingredients and a selection of regional wines.

Tickets are $20 per person, $50 for a family or $150 for a table of eight. They can be purchased at the Salem Lutheran Book Parlor, 1414 W. Broadway Ave., St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 316 E. 24th Ave., at the Lands Council Office, 25 W. Main Ave., Suite 222. Or, call (509) 294-3944 or email faithandenvironment@

Wheat, Wine and Wild Salmon tickets

There’s another chance to taste regional fare at the Wheat, Wine and Wild Salmon dinner on next Wedensday.

Chef David Hill, of Hill’s Restaurant, will make the multicourse meal featuring sustainably caught wild salmon, eastern Washington wheat and locally grown produce.

Commercial fisherman and wheat farmers will talk about the importance of salmon and wheat to the region and ideas for restoring wild Snake River salmon while protecting jobs.

Also, Bill Matt Sr., of the Spokane Tribe, will talk about the local history of wild salmon and its importance to the tribe.

The event is sponsored by Save Our Wild Salmon, Slow Food Spokane River and Spokane Falls Trout Unlimited.

The dinner is $45. It begins with a reception and no-host bar at 6:30 p.m.; dinner will be served at 7. Tickets are available from Sam Mace at (509) 747-2030 or at www.brownpaper

Saunders decadence

If a little indulgence is in the fall forecast consider an upcoming class at Saunders Cheese Market, 210 S. Washington St.

For $65, guests will taste late harvest wines, cheese and chocolate next Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m.

John Allen of Vino, Kim Morin of Saunders and Julia Myracle of Chocolate Myracles will talk about the perfect pairings for port, ice wine and late harvest reserves.

To reserve a space, call Saunders at (509) 455-9400.

We’re always looking for fresh food news. Write to: The Fresh Sheet, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call (509) 459-5446, fax to (509) 459-5098 or send an e-mail to