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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


In their words

A selection of quotations from people in recent news stories, big and small

“If 10,000 people say they want Obama to answer a question, he’s probably going to respond.”

Andrew Rasiej, the founder of the Personal Democracy Forum, which is pushing for an online system that enables Internet respondents to decide collectively what questions the president should answer at press conferences.

“I want to go back to when I was 13 years old … and never have this happen to me.”

– Priest sex abuse victim Steve Barber, saying he’s not satisfied by a court settlement in which former Spokane priest Patrick G. O’Donnell apologized to victims and accepted liability to pay them $5 million, although he says he doesn’t have it.

“Do we have to put any president who wants to be on Mt. Rushmore?”

– Chief Justice John Roberts, as the U.S. Supreme Court discussed whether the city of Pleasant Grove, Utah, has to accept a donated religious monument in a municipal park where it has already accepted a Ten Commandments display.

“The No on 8 people didn’t want us to use the word ‘bigots.’ But that’s what they are: bigots, bigots, bigots.”

Robin Tyler, a lesbian, rejecting an appeal for moderation in giving her opinion about California voters who approved Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage.

“They were on their own crime wave, burglarizing homes, strong-armed robberies of high school kids, holding people up at gunpoint and beating up high school kids. These are violent young teenagers.”

– Spokane police Sgt. Joe Peterson, after a fourth teen was arrested in connection with a series of crimes near Gonzaga University.

“Our nation has chosen for its chief executive the most radical pro-abortion politician ever to serve in the United States Senate or to run for president.”

– The Rev. Jay Scott Newman, who told parishioners at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greenville, S.C., that they should not take Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama.

“I kept saying, ‘Are you visual?’ and he would reply, ‘No, sir, negative, I’m sorry, sir.’ He kept on apologizing.”

– Radar controller Richard Eggleton, describing the conversation that took place with pilot Jim O’Neill, who lost his sight while in the air and had to be talked through a safe landing by another pilot.

“I think what we’ll see next year will be the Year of Education Wringing of Hands.”

– Democratic political consultant Cathy Allen, anticipating how the 2009 Washington Legislature will react to a proposed education overhaul during a session confronted by serious revenue shortfalls.

“I’ve blackmail-proofed myself.”

– Silverton, Ore., Mayor-elect Stu Rasmussen, who defeated an incumbent in a campaign that was issues-oriented, although Rasmussen is openly transgender and dresses as a woman after building his political career as a man.