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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

In brief: Rotary names student of month

 (The Spokesman-Review)
The Spokesman-Review

Julia Reinhart, a student at North Idaho College, was selected as April’s Coeur d’Alene Rotary Club Student of the Month.

Reinhart will graduate spring quarter with an associate’s degree and plans to transfer to Whitworth University or Lewis-Clark State College to pursue a degree in history.

She maintains a 3.55 grade-point average and is an English tutor for the TRIO Student Support Services program at NIC.

Reinhart is amember of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society and volunteers for Habitat for Humanity and at a day care facility where her daughter is enrolled.

Computer workshops planned

Computer workshops continue at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave.

Next Saturday: Intermediate Word -Word Processing, will teach mail-merge techniques and how to use page-layout tools. A basic understanding of Microsoft Word is necessary.

On May 20: Surfing the Web: Searches on the Internet will offer basic understanding of search engines. Each workshop begins at 10:30 a.m.

Future computer workshops include basic and intermediate Excel and basics in Publisher and PowerPoint.

For more information, call 769-2315, ext. 456.

NIC names new educator

North Idaho College selected Ann Garnsey-Harter as the new director of distance education and outreach at NIC.

Garnsey-Harter will begin on June 2. She has more than 10 years of experience as a professional in the field of distance education at both the community college and university levels.

Garnsey-Harter has a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in English from Washington State University and a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of North Dakota.


NIC business center wins awards

The North Idaho College Idaho Small Business Development Center recently won several state awards at the tri-state Small Business Development Center conference in Boise.

Idaho, Washington and Oregon Small Business Development Centers were represented at the conference, which is held every other year.

The NIC center, which serves the five north Idaho counties, earned the award for the most jobs created by a center in Idaho. The NIC center was also honored for the highest increase in clients’ revenue. The center is credited with increasing clients’ revenue by $8 million from 2006 to 2007 through business coaching services.

For more information, call 769-3284 or visit

North Idaho

NIC names Top Scholars

North Idaho College recently honored more than 200 of the top high school juniors in North Idaho’s Region I schools in NIC’s Top Scholars Program.

Top scholars from 15 schools were represented. Students are recognized by their schools.

Bonners Ferry High School: Erin Barker, Riley Boorman, Michaela Dirks, Alicia Hedrick, Aaron Hoisington, Ignacio Lopez, Molly Mcclintock, Katrina Ryan, Vincent Skjeveland, John Wakkinen, Jody Wilkerson, Ashley Winkelseth.

Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy: Hillary Child, Amber Heath, Harrison Lemke, Luke Lott, Matthew Ortman.

Clark Fork High School: Jared Broggi, Bailey Hewitt, Julia Martin.

Coeur d’Alene High School: Aaron Baldwin, Fallon Baraga, Samuel Barnes, Thomas Breazeal, Steven Briggs, Jennifer Butt, Emily Chipman, Bo Clark, Alexandra Clark, Kelsi DeHaas, Lindsay DeLong, Samuel Dutson, Farrah Fuller, Stephanie Grimm, Joshua Hardy, Lael Hatch, Whitney Heleker, Brianna Knudtsen, Jessica Kraft, Alexander Krapas, Amy LeBaron, Matthew Lewis, Brandon Mattson, Kelsey McIntire, Erica Olsen, Astin Robert, Elizabeth Russell, Gared Schneider, Natalie Stewart, Sharon Strom, Nicholas Taylor, Jeffrey Turbin, Hannah Williams, Kyle Womeldorff, Daniel Zeck.

Kellogg High School: Elijah Amersfoort, Erin Baldwin, Richard Broaddus, Katilyn Campbell, Beau Chisholm, Jordan Day, Heidi Dose, Derry Goodson, Taylor Jacobs, Cole Lewis, Erin Redmond.

Kootenai High School: Dakota Amy, Marshall Myhre.

Lake City High School: Morgan Aguiler, Courtney Alder, Andrew Asper, Chad Badzik, Bryant Baird, Emily Branch, Rose Brooks, Natalie Colla, Lauren Davison, Michaela Delavan, Aubree Dinning, Shannon Fraser, Taleri Hammack, Hayden Hanzen, Nathaniel Hayden, Alison Irish, Jenna Johnson, Kyle Kausen, Sarah Keene, Nicholas Lenihan, Christina Marfice, Molly Mitchell, Benjamin Olvera, Kaylie Pickup, Tyler Powers, Jesse Ramsey, Jessica Ross, Sarah Sandford, Ryan Skinner, Katelyn Slavens, David Smith, Hailey Strobel, Renee Sutton, Krystalynn Tekancic, Rachel Varela, Nathan Whallon, Jessica Wite, Farren Winget.

Lakeland High School: Danielle Blatter, April Bockstruck, Justin Boyer, Jessica Colombini, Sydney Dietrich, Katelyn Imthrun, Emily Kimberling, Madison Kolb, Chelsea Laud, Megan Mitchell, John Novak, Emily Peterson, Brian Ramus, Stacy Reese, Camille Reynolds, Kirsten Rotz, Zachariah Stockton, Kimberly Thom, Robyn Tingery, Amy Jacobsen.

Lakeside High School: Ali Middleton, Rian Miller.

Mullan High School: Kristen Drake, Ashley Hocking.

Post Falls High School: Allyssa Andrus, Jayme Annotti, Brittani Atwood, Ashley Bertsch, Kimber Boyles, Kristen Carey, Ashlee Franco, Aubrey Graybill, Cherise Hensley, Kaylee Hirst, Amanda Jibby, Karenna Jones, Heather LaFrance, Karen Lohman, Jessika Maatta, Raechell Markham, Kyle Marshall, Chad Mehalechko, Kathryn Morris, Kendra Mudge, Brittney Nelson, Nora Nielson, Ali Nuckles, Colin O’Brien, Sara Phelps, Kayla Possman, Garrett Rook, Kali Sausser, Jordan Schoening, Stephen Sloniker, Melinda Soltys, Casey Thomas.

Priest River High School: Megan Brumley, Brian Fulp, Toni Nelson, Carol Ogle, Julie Storlie, Amber Trost, Silas VanNatter, Rachelle Whitehead, John Zieske.

St. Maries High School: Andrew Bates, Tanner Brannigan, Jennifer Connerley, Margaret Connerley, Selina Cook, Jillian Darst, Jade Fletcher, Jeremy Shawver, Kayla Stapleton, Ashley Walker, Brianna Ware.

Timberlake High School: Brittany Amende, Marshall Barnhouse, Tyler Beeman, Andrea Etheridge, Rebecca Johnston, Bernadette Loibl, Alexandra Marek, Ailise Nunnallee, Cierra Olmstead, Cody Perez, Lacy Tomason.

Wallace High School: Cody Cline, Brianna Koepke-Peyer, Haley McDaniel, Elizabeth Pitts.