Oversight good for all
I am a supporter of Spokane Police Guild members.
Unions have successfully addressed historic problems for working persons like poor pay, dangerous working conditions and abuse of employees. Having belonged to two unions, I regretted it whenever my union appeared to be ensuring jobs for members who were incompetent, inappropriate.
It did damage to the reputation of all other members in the public eye.
I would urge Police Guild members to focus on the issue of your professionalism. You do vital, dangerous and hard services and deserve the best of training, public recognition and support. Only the most qualified, capable and trustworthy members should be representing you in the community.
The union brand should stand for “Only the Best.” I hope you will welcome any process that would help you accomplish cleaning your ranks.
Please see the new Office of Police Ombudsman position as one way that can be accomplished for union members. The community will respect your courage to welcome oversight to ensure high professional standards. Please help design the strongest position possible. Seems like no one wants to stand up and take the lead.
It would be overwhelming if the Spokane Police Guild led the way.
Valerie Smith