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Books for Cooks: Weight Watchers All-Time Favorites

The Spokesman-Review

“Weight Watchers All-Time Favorites,”

(Wiley, $29.95)

Still on that weight-loss wagon? The folks at Weight Watchers are trying to make it easier to watch the calories crossing your plate with a new cookbook of more than 200 of most popular recipes from its program. That’s welcome help on the eve of the snack food extravaganza that happens on Super Bowl Sunday. There are lots of delicious ideas inside whether you’re a Weight Watcher or not. Try bringing Crunchy Vegetable Rolls with Peanut Dipping Sauce or Herbed Mushroom Morsels to a party instead of chips and hot wings. Even the Madras Curry Drumsticks, Thai Chicken Satay or Mini Beef Wellingtons are sure to please.

Look inside today’s Food section for the recipe for Feta and Spinach Triangles.