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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

See Scotchman beauty by ski or snowshoe

Deb Hunsicker of Sagle snowshoes through the Ross Creek Grove of Ancient Cedars near the Bull River in Western Montana last January during a hike guided by Friends of the Scotchman Peaks. 
 (Rich Landers / The Spokesman-Review)
Rich Landers Outdoors editor

Friends of the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness are proving that winter is a superb season for a hike through the woods.

The North Idaho-based group has once again scheduled a series of weekend snowshoeing or cross-country skiing treks to help introduce the public to choice accessible destinations in the unroaded forests north and northeast of Lake Pend Oreille.

The group is campaigning to get permanent wilderness protection for 88,000 acres of the Scotchman Peaks region that stretches across the Idaho-Montana border in the Kaniksu and Kootenay national forests.

The series begins with a trek to the majestic Ross Creek Cedars of the Kootenai National Forest. The trip is repeated four times through winter in response to rave reviews from snowshoers and skiers who visited the area with Scotchmans leaders last winter, said Phil Hough, group spokesman from Sagle.

Following are the scheduled hikes and leader contacts.

Jan. 19, Ross Creek Cedars — moderate hike into cedar grove near Bull Rive in Montana. Contact: Phil Hough (208) 255-2780,

Jan. 26, Star Peak — difficult ascent to reach stunning panorama north of Lake Pend Oreille. Contact: Todd Dunfield (509) 979-6401,

Feb. 9, East Fork Creek — easy to moderate hike along Lightning and East Fork creeks. Contact: Phil Hough (208) 255-2780,

Feb. 10, Ross Creek Cedars — Contact: Sarah Lundstrom (406) 755-6304,

Feb. 16, Ross Creek Cedars — Ann and Neil Wimberley (208) 264-5379,

Feb. 23, Ross Creek Cedars — an extended version of the other treks into this enchanting cedar grove, going as far up the creek as abilities allow. Contact: Jim Mellen (208) 265-5261,

March 2, Ross Creek Cedars — Contact: Susan Drumheller(208) 265-9565,

March 16, Morris Creek — easy-to-moderate early spring walk (snowshoes shouldn’t be needed) to look for buttercups and see the aftermath of floods. Contact: Phil Hough (208) 255-2780,

March 22, Goat Peak — difficult trek up steep route to lofty destination, for snowshoes only. Contact: Jim Mellen (208) 265-5261,

April 18 and 26, Scotchman Peak — difficult snowshoe or ski trek up into snow zone to high peaks above Lake Pend Oreille. Contacts: for April 18, John Harbuck (208) 263-9894; for April 26, Jim Mellen (208) 265-5261,