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The Slice: Fashion isn’t our strong suit

Office casual never looked so good.Associated Press
 (File Associated Press / The Spokesman-Review)

Here are the Top 20 circumstances in which it is OK to wear jeans to work in the Inland Northwest.

20. Everyone at your office regards them as “snow pants for grown-ups.”

19. You are employed in the agricultural sector or write a newspaper column. (Feel free to note how those two are closely related.)

18. You look so good in them that no one would ever suggest that it’s too casual a look.

17. At your workplace, wearing anything else would invite suggestions that you are a fop, a dandy, an Eastern elitist or someone whose word is not his bond.

16. Your confidence has not been all that high lately and jeans make you feel competent and capable.

15. The person who hired you knows that jeans are the only kind of pants you own.

14. You plan to be quizzing co-workers on key lines of dialogue from “Shane” and “High Noon.”

13. You work outdoors.

12. Nothing else is clean.

11. It is Western Heritage Day at your workplace.

10. You are not a banker, lawyer or insurance broker and wearing jeans is not apt to make people wonder if you really know what you’re doing.

9. You will be appearing as Curly in your office’s lunchroom production of “Oklahoma!”

8. You’re hoping that the woman with red hair in accounting will finally notice you and say, “Well, hey there, cowboy.”

7. They will be necessary as you are planning to perform a “Mom jeans” skit during the budget meeting.

6. You have this insane idea that people will think you look like James Dean.

5. You are thinking you can use the word “harassment” against your Neil Diamond-loving team leader after he starts humming “Forever in Blue Jeans.”

4. You work at home.

3. You work somewhere with irrepressible rockabilly sensibilities.

2. Blue jeans are actually considered quite stylin’ at your business.

1. You are trying to look less like a corporate tool.

Just so we’re clear: 1. Disney’s “Wizards of Waverly Place” TV show has nothing to do with the Waverly Place that runs along the south side of Corbin Park.

2. When I asked about cats that visit grade schools in search of supplemental petting, I wasn’t really thinking of cougars.

3. The news brief about licenses for “unsprayed” cats almost certainly meant to say “unspayed.”

4. Nobody around here makes French bread better than Slice reader Jerry McGinn.

5. Maybe it’s time to just go ahead and make up a more satisfactory translation of “Coeur d’Alene.”

Today’s Slice question: Do you know what the weather was like on the day you were born?

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