Q and A: Being green

Question: “How important is it to be green when going back to school? Why?”
Megan Bishop: “Very important because some of those school supplies can be harmful whether they say that or not.”
Jacob Petty: “Yes. Well, to save our environment so planet earth doesn’t die.”
Connie Alexander: “Yes because I think we’re using up all our natural resources and we need to be aware of them.”
Pete Nava: “Sometimes it’s impractical and you have to buy what you can.”
Jill Dolle: “I think it’s important. Lots of people don’t buy supplies that are going green because it’s too expensive. We’re really wasteful.”
Jacob Jackson: “I think it’s important because we all have to do our part in helping the planet.”
Lenore Hylton: “I think it’s really important. When you buy environmentally friendly products, more are made.”
Sue Frisbie: “It’s probably important to be green everywhere, not just when going back to school.”
Chase Collings, 18: “I think it’s pretty important to be green. I don’t think it’s as big a deal as Al Gore and the U.S are making it. Global warming is just a theory.
Lexi Sarver, 14: “It’s important to me to keep the environment clean so it’s safe for the kids, teachers, and living creatures.”
Deja Svastisalee, 12: “Because things will die like animals and stuff.”
Isabel Gustafson, 10: “No. I haven’t really thought about it much.”