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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Neighbors, be part of the solution

Neighborhood reaction described in your article (Dishman Hills house raises concerns by John Craig, Aug. 16) is judgmental and lacking foundation. I am a recovering addict who lives with struggles of addiction, and the stigma attached to the addict.

Addicts need the opportunity to succeed. Recovery is about becoming a functioning member of society. How can we if we are limited to slums and unsavory living conditions. Most addicts have criminal backgrounds, limiting access to jobs, housing and advantages necessary for successful recovery.

Dishman residents must realize one of three rules of Oxford living is the key to making good neighbors. Living drug-free reduces the risk that an addict will commit crimes. Criminal behavior is not tolerated in any Oxford House.

Look at the house intended to be Spokane’s next home to Oxford. Instead of a broken down old house with God-only-knows what kind of people living in it, your neighborhood gets a renovated home with neighbors that care.

Be part of the solution, not the problem. Addiction is a tremendous plague to society and all our neighborhoods. I challenge Dishman residents to act on their Christian values; bake your new neighbors a cake while they learn a new way to live.

Timothy P. Raridan Jr.
