Showcasing Rathdrum
Adventure race Sept. 6 aims to attract visitors to area
Jeff Smith, organizer for the Rathdrum Mountain Adventure Race, looks down to the beach at Twin Lakes Village Tuesday. The beach is where the kayak portion of the race will end and the run begin. The race, designed to feature the beauty of the area, will take place Sept. 6 and will be a combination of biking, kayaking and running. (Photos by JESSE TINSLEY / The Spokesman-Review)
It’s a rocky ride to start.
A 19-mile bike ride – most of that on logging roads around the backside of Rathdrum Mountain – then a 4.5-mile kayak from upper Twin Lake to Lower Twin, followed by a 4.5-mile run back to Rathdrum.
Bike. Boat. Bolt.
That’s how Rathdrum Chamber of Commerce President Jeff Smith describes the first Rathdrum Mountain Adventure Race.
The Sept. 6 event isn’t so much a fundraiser for the chamber as it is an attempt to bring people into Rathdrum and see what the town and the surrounding area has to offer in businesses and beauty, Smith said.
“We want people from outside our community to come to our community and experience what’s here,” Smith said.
So far the race has drawn interest from as far away as Sacramento and one racer from Omak, Wash., has already signed up.
Medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each division: men, women and seniors.
Three-person teams can also sign up – men, women or coed. Entry fees are $25 for individuals and $50 for teams.
The race begins at 8 a.m. on Main Street in downtown Rathdrum. The bike leg starts with 4 miles on smooth pavement, then continues on dirt and logging roads with two 3-mile climbs with a gain of 2,100 vertical feet.
Then it’s all downhill for the final 8 miles to Upper Twin Lake for the kayak put-in.
The kayak race finishes at the Twin Lakes Village beach, where the run begins.
The cross-country style run goes along a trail parallel to Highway 41 and ends at Rathdrum City Park where an awards ceremony will be held.
Smith said the race is a massive volunteer effort.
An ATV club has offered to patrol the bike course in case of emergencies, kayakers will be stationed along the lake course and local civics groups are working the run route.
The Chamber of Commerce – which has grown in membership from about 80 to 140 members in two years – is hoping to make the race an annual event.
“The idea is just to showcase the town,” Smith said.