Accuracy watch
The Spokesman-Review is committed to accuracy. If you think we have made an error of fact, call (509) 459-5430 or e-mail
Pilot misidentified
Pilot Tamas Illes was misidentified in a photo caption on page A1 Thursday, because of a photographer’s error.
No event Thursday
The Model Railroad Show and Swap Meet listed in the events 7 section on Friday is not taking place on Thursday at Mirabeau Hotel. The entry was incorrect because of a computer error.
Address incorrect
The Redolent of Roses garden included in a Sunday garden tour in Spokane is located at 1415 E. Rockwood Blvd. The address in Friday’s Today section was incorrect because of a reporter’s error.
Wrong business named
Muddslingers coffee stand, 13325 E. Sprague Ave., was burglarized overnight Monday. An item in Thursday’s paper named the wrong coffee stand, because of incorrect information provided to the newspaper.
Years wrong
Bruce E. Ivins, a suspect in post- Sept. 11 anthrax mailings, worked for 28 years at the government’s biodefense research laboratories at Fort Detrick, Md. A wire service story that ran Friday noted the wrong number of years.