County honors Darrell Larsen

Darrell Larsen says he didn’t get his best job until he already was retired.
This month, he was named Spokane County’s top employee for 2006.
Larsen, the county’s mail center coordinator, handles about 3,000 pieces of outgoing mail and 2,500 of incoming mail every day.
“Darrell’s dedication, commitment and kindness make him a true ambassador for Spokane County government,” Bela Kovacs, the county’s purchasing director, wrote in an article about Larsen for the award.
Larsen, 63, retired in 1996 after nearly three decades at IBM. He worked part time for the Post Falls post office from 2000 to 2003.
He started at the county in 2003.
“There’s no stress, no pressure,” Larsen said. “The people in the county, they couldn’t be a better group to work with.”
Surrounded by family members, Larsen, a Vietnam veteran and West Valley High School graduate, was given a $500 Home Depot gift certificate at a County Commission meeting last week.