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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

It’s showtime in the outdoors

Rich Landers Outdoors editor

The boat and sportsmen’s show season kicks into high gear this month, giving outdoor enthusiasts a chance to see the latest products from manufacturers.

Following is a regional list of top upcoming shows:

“Inland Northwest RV Show, Jan. 18-21 at Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. Info: (509) 466-4256; www.spokane

“Northern Washington RV Show, Jan. 18-21 at Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe. Info: (253) 756-2121;

“Washington Sportsmen’s Show, Jan. 24-28, Western Washington Fairgrounds in Puyallup, sponsored by O’Loughlin Shows. Info: (503) 246-8291; www.oloughlin

“Seattle Boat Show, Jan. 25-Feb. 3, Qwest Field Event Center and on the water at South Lake Union. Info: www.seattleboat

“Spokane National Boat Show, Jan. 26-Feb. 3 at Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. Info: 991-1002; www.spokaneboat

“Gun, Horn and Fur Show, Feb. 2-4, at Boundary County Fairgrounds at Bonners Ferry, sponsored by Kootenai Valley Sportsmens Association. Info: (208) 267-2108.

“Big Horn Outdoor Adventure Show, March 15-18, Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, sponsored by Inland Northwest Wildlife Council. Info: (509) 487-8552.

“North Idaho Sportsmen’s Trophy Measuring Event, to be scheduled sometime in March, Wildlife Building, North Idaho Fairgrounds, sponsored by Idaho Fish and Game Department. Info: (208) 765-7223.