It’s showtime in the outdoors
The boat and sportsmen’s show season kicks into high gear this month, giving outdoor enthusiasts a chance to see the latest products from manufacturers.
Following is a regional list of top upcoming shows:
“Inland Northwest RV Show, Jan. 18-21 at Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. Info: (509) 466-4256; www.spokane
“Northern Washington RV Show, Jan. 18-21 at Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe. Info: (253) 756-2121;
“Washington Sportsmen’s Show, Jan. 24-28, Western Washington Fairgrounds in Puyallup, sponsored by O’Loughlin Shows. Info: (503) 246-8291; www.oloughlin
“Seattle Boat Show, Jan. 25-Feb. 3, Qwest Field Event Center and on the water at South Lake Union. Info: www.seattleboat
“Spokane National Boat Show, Jan. 26-Feb. 3 at Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. Info: 991-1002; www.spokaneboat
“Gun, Horn and Fur Show, Feb. 2-4, at Boundary County Fairgrounds at Bonners Ferry, sponsored by Kootenai Valley Sportsmens Association. Info: (208) 267-2108.
“Big Horn Outdoor Adventure Show, March 15-18, Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, sponsored by Inland Northwest Wildlife Council. Info: (509) 487-8552.
“North Idaho Sportsmen’s Trophy Measuring Event, to be scheduled sometime in March, Wildlife Building, North Idaho Fairgrounds, sponsored by Idaho Fish and Game Department. Info: (208) 765-7223.