Why you need a computer

There’s no reason why seniors of any age can’t use a computer and travel the Internet. It’s to our benefit to know how.
Here are but a few things you can do on a computer:
• Compare merchandise and save time going to stores. (Never buy online, however.)
• Swap e-mail with family and friends, and print out digital photos.
• Get instant information about news and weather, recipes, tax forms, real estate, medical issues, telephone scams, maps, bills in Congress, travel and motels, and more.
• Play daily word and puzzle games to keep your mind active.
• Do a genealogy hunt.
How to choose a computer: Ask your children what they have, because they likely had to buy one for your grandchildren. Ask everyone you know who has one, and take lots of notes because, I promise you, it will all start making sense once you hear information from different sources.
When it’s time to buy, where possible, buy up. Today you think you’ll only want a computer for e-mail, but three months from now you’ll be a pro and will regret not being able to do more things. Best bet: Buy a better computer and get a printer later on sale.
How to learn how to run it: Your 10-year-old grandchild is not the best one to teach you. You’ll do better with a class geared specifically toward seniors. Check into classes at the local senior center or YMCA. Remember to take lots of notes!
Learn how to stay safe: The Internet can be like the old Wild West, dangerous if you’re not wise to some of the tricks. Make sure your computer is loaded with good virus software, and learn about all the scams that are out there.