Idaho Commerce and Labor
We have 822 jobs available at Idaho Commerce and Labor this week. There are no fees to use our services. Call us at (208) 769-1558 for more information and help with your employment needs. If you are looking for a job, be sure to register with us in our office at 1221 W. Ironwood Drive, Coeur d’Alene or
Job categoryNumber of listingsPay range
Caregiver/ Nurse Aides, 13, up to $10 per hour
Construction Trades, 77, up to $20 per hour
HVAC Occupations, Installers, Millwrights, 20, up to $18 per hour
Managerial Positions, 36, up to $23.07 per hour
Computer and Scientific, 44, up to $31.25 per hour
Maintenance, Transportation Warehouse, 144, up to $14 per hour
Assembly, Manufacturing, 75, up to $15.60 per hour
Cooks, Food Service, 29, up to $9 per hour
Retail Sales Positions, 42, up to $8 per hour
Licensed Health Occupations, 62, up to $21.75 per hour
Office Specialists, 142, up to $17 per hour