New car awaits lucky senior with perfect attendance
This time of year senioritis takes its toll. Knowing that the end of the school year is near, many seniors find excuses to skip classes. But for those high school seniors that know the importance of attendance there’s added motivation.
The “It’s Cool to Stay in School,” scholarship program rewards students who have the discipline to make it through their senior year with perfect attendance. High school principals from 41 participating schools submit the names of students who have met their respective school’s criteria for perfect attendance for their senior year.
At the June 19 Spokane Indians baseball season opener at Avista Stadium, Spokane Valley Mayor Diana Wilhite will draw the name of the senior selected to receive a 2006 Hyundai Tiburon from Hallmark Automotive Group, valued at more than $22,000.
Linda Hutchinson honored
Linda Hutchinson was presented with a Teacher of the Year Award from the Shadle Wal-Mart Store on May 10 at a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon at Shadle Park High School.
Hutchinson is a mathematics teacher, mathematics department chair and an instructional coach at Shadle. She was awarded $100 for supplies, and the high school received a check for $1,000.
Rogers Humane Society fundraiser
The cooks and the custodian are camping out in front of Rogers High School as a fundraiser for the Humane Society.
The public is being asked to donate dog and cat food, cat litter and money.
The food drive begins at 6 p.m. June 2 and ends at 4 p.m. June 3. Donations may be dropped off at the school, 1622 E. Wellesley Ave.
North Wall Schools celebrates 25th
North Wall Schools will celebrate its 25th anniversary reunion and celebration from 5 to 8 p.m. June 2 at the school, 9408 N. Wall Ave.
All alumni, current families, friends, neighbors, community members are invited to enjoy an evening of food, fun, family games and entertainment, featuring Kevin Gardner, soloist and alumni parent, and the Rogers High School Steel Drum Band. Please RSVP by calling 466-2695.
North Wall Schools is an independent elementary school and early childhood program for infants through sixth grade. It was founded in 1981 and became the first nationally accredited early childhood program in Spokane in 1989. The school is funded by parent tuition.