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The Slice: Readers weigh in with a collective ‘We do’

The readers have spoken.

Last Friday, I asked if I should print a snapshot taken at a Duncan Gardens wedding in 2002 by someone who doesn’t know the couple. (The picture-taker has enjoyed having the photo, but now wants to give it to the young couple.)

By a landslide, those weighing in said “Go for it.”

So if you know the bride and groom, contact The Slice.

“Different strokes: “Hi Paul, I had a classic North Idaho experience yesterday as I was mowing my lawn,” wrote Judy York of Sandpoint. “Just prior to starting the mower, a grizzled guy in a pickup stopped with his window down.”

York removed an ear plug and looked at him, to see what he wanted.

“Just watching you to see you pull that cord,” he said. “I pull on a chain-saw cord a lot. I just like to watch people pull that cord.”


York guesses he expected her to have some trouble. But she gave the cord a yank and the mower started right up.

“Beaming, I looked at him and gave him the thumbs up. He drove away.”

Something tells me Judy is an attractive woman.

“Today’s shirt stories: Helen Huntley figures her Bloomsday shirt total is “minus one.”

She pushed a stroller over the course on race day 16 years ago. But it took her so long that the shirt-dispensing operation had closed up shop by the time she crossed the finish line.

And years ago, while living in a nontouristy part of Costa Rica, Spokane’s Tomas Lynch was amazed to encounter a local kid wearing a Bloomsday shirt. “He said that his sister was an exchange student in Oakesdale and ran the race while up here.”

“Tip-offs/warnings (that tell you all you need to know about someone): “People with cell phone ear pieces and microphones attached to themselves anytime but in their cars,” said Craig Numata.

David Holcomb cited the expressions “my old man,” “my old lady,” “little woman,” and “the wife.”

And several readers suggested that littering says it all about someone.

“Slice answers: In the matter of presents for high school graduates, several readers suggested practical gifts such as tool kits and duct tape.

“Nostalgia corner: “During courtship and in our early years of marriage, my late husband and I often danced at Natatorium Park,” wrote Gloria Meaders.

But on especially buggy evenings, they thought of the bygone Spokane landmark as Gnatatorium Park.

“Today’s Slice question: When on hold, how many times can you hear a recorded voice say “Your call is important to us” before you start to doubt it?

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