How to lose your ride in Spokane Valley
Be careful where you leave your ride – police have identified four spots in Spokane Valley that have been hit particularly hard by car thieves in the past two months.
According to a press release from Sgt. Dave Reagan titled “Hate your car? Park it here,” nine vehicles were reported stolen in the area vicinity of Sprague Avenue and Skipworth Road.
Six vehicles have disappeared in January and February near the intersection of Third Avenue and Park Road. Five were stolen near Sprague and Havana and four car thefts were reported in the area near Sprague and Pines Road, Reagan said.
At least three of the stolen cars were running or had the keys in them when they were taken, according to the release. Other car’s ignitions had been tampered with. Some were taken by thieves who had keys, Reagan said.
The vehicles ranged in years from a 1981 Honda Accord to a 2005 Chevy Malibu.
Lt. Earl Howerton of the Sheriff’s Department said overall 76 cars were stolen in January in the coverage area. In December 106 were stolen. Deputies recovered 54 cars in January and 70 in December. They usually find about 75 percent of stolen cars, Howerton said. “In most cases these cars are used for getting from Point A to Point B and they’re dumped,” he said.
Police also analyzed theft data from 2005. Ford pickups were particularly in vogue with car thieves, with 54 thefts in areas policed by sheriff’s deputies. Toyota pickups and Honda Accords tied for the second most popular model with 34 thefts each.
Also stolen in 2005 were 30 Chevy pickups, 28 Toyota Camrys, 27 Honda Civics, 18 Ford Escorts, 13 Saturn SLs and 11 Dodge pickups, according to the release.