Final day brings new challengers
Kootenai County Commission Chairman Gus Johnson got another challenger Friday when Independent Tom Macy entered the race just before the filing deadline.
Macy ran against Johnson in 2002 as a Libertarian.
Candidates for the six county positions and five district court judges had until 5 p.m. Friday to declare their campaigns. Last-minute opponents also signed up to run against the reigning county assessor and treasurer.
Post Falls City Councilman Todd Tondee, a Republican, also will vie against Johnson, a former Post Falls mayor.
The hottest races on the May 23 Republican primary ballot are the two county commission contests where Johnson and Commissioner Katie Brodie will fight to keep their $67,000-a-year jobs.
Rich Piazza is challenging Brodie in what is the former county employee’s third attempt at winning a commission seat.
First District Court Judge John Mitchell is the only judge with a challenger, Coeur d’Alene attorney Rami Amaro, in the nonpartisan race.
Here are the candidates for other county offices:
“Assessor: Mike McDowell, R-Coeur d’Alene; John Gessner, Libertarian-Coeur d’Alene.
“Treasurer: Tom Malzhan, R-Post Falls; Don Duffey, D-Rathdrum.
“Clerk: Dan English, D-Rathdrum.
“Coroner: Robert West, R-Coeur d’Alene.
“First District Court Judge: Judge Charles Hosack (uncontested), Judge Fred Gibler (uncontested), Judge John Patrick Luster (uncontested), Judge Steven Verby (uncontested).