Time for Speltz to go
What the heck is (Chiefs GM) Tim Speltz thinking, trading our top scorer (Chad Klassen)? First you get rid of (Ned) Lukacevic, who had incredible speed and was a good scorer. Then you trade one of our solid defensemen (Joe Logan). I can understand the other trades, but not our top players. It takes more than a goalie to win games. Thomas Stehr is our future. If you would give him more playing time and let him develop, he would be awesome. Can we expect (Derek) Ryan and (Sean) Zimmerman to go next? I guess if you are a good player for the Chiefs, you should not unpack your bags. This team is being driven into the ground. If you wonder why attendance is down, it is because of moves like this. Don’t forget about (former coach Al) Conroy. The best move Speltz has done in the last five years was sending Conroy packing. You will find that season tickets will be down next year because of these latest moves. I have talked to a few season-ticket holders that have already said they are not renewing until Speltz is gone. Speltz needs to go, now!
Marty Gill
Spokane Valley