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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Bureau bustling on Saturday

The working poor flocked to the Christmas Bureau on Saturday to get toys and books for their children for Christmas, as well as food vouchers for a holiday meal. The Christmas charity is open on Saturdays this year so those who work during the week or live in outlying communities can still get the fixings of Christmas for their families.

Christmas Bureau volunteers gave food vouchers totaling $24,250 to 791 families on Saturday. In addition, parents and grandparents selected toys for 1,489 children.

In past years, the bureau remained open Wednesday evenings to serve the working poor. But organizers said people in rural communities still had difficulty getting to the Spokane County Fair & Expo Center.

Most recipients Saturday were from Spokane, but some were from Lolo, Mont.; Plummer, Idaho; and Loon Lake, Wash.

“The two Saturdays that we are open are also good for some of the volunteers,” said Carol Speltz, co-chair of the bureau. “We had a high school principal who really wanted to volunteer, and he couldn’t during the week. He’s out here today.”

In addition, more than two dozen students from the Riverside elementary and middle schools sang carols.

The bureau is closed today but will reopen Monday.

Donations of all amounts are welcome. Donors who want to remain anonymous should indicate their wishes on their check or in an accompanying note. Following are the most recent donors and their donations:

An anonymous donor, of Spokane, gave $1,000.

Peter and Gay Witherspoon, of Spokane, gave $350.

Patty and William Houff, of Spokane, donated $200, as did David and Karen Crouse, of Hauser, Idaho; and Cyrus and Janet Vaughn and family, of Spokane.

Roger Tompkins donated $193.90 through PayPal.

Allan and Marian Morrison, of Spokane, gave $150, as did Mike, Teresa, Mick and Brooklyn Bellomy, of Newman Lake.

Richard Jeltsch, of Spokane, donated $125.

Jack and Phyllis Worden, of Spokane, gave $120.

Alan and Yvonne Edmonds, of Spokane, sent $100, as did Nelson and Jean Julufka, Michael Rhodes, Richard and Paula Janssen, Wayne and Joyce Attwood, Mabel Morrison, Jack Redinger, and Bruce and Frances Rogers, all of Spokane.

Kenneth and Helen Evans, of Mead, donated $100, as did Rick and Sharon Myers, Mel and Darlene Griffith, Marianne Daily, Richard and Karen Steele, John and Donna Leaming, John and Miriam Finnegan, North Wall Schools, and two anonymous donors all of Spokane.

Leo and Geraldine Walsh, of Otis Orchards, donated $100, as did an anonymous donor, of Colbert.

Bertha and Arthur Hansen, of Rathdrum, Idaho, sent $100, “in memory of two good men who believed in the golden rule and lived their lives accordingly – Terry E. Booth and son, Terry D. Booth. Thank you for providing the means to bring joy to many and to put magic in the Christmas season,” wrote the Hansens.

Grace Nissen, of Spokane, sent $100 and a note: “The enclosed check is the check I enjoy writing above all others I write for Christmas. Thank you folks at The Review for this wonderful opportunity we have to support such a great event.”

Betty Johnston, of Spokane Valley, sent $100 in memory of her husband, David Johnston. “He always wanted to make a donation each year and I want to continue the tradition,” she wrote.

Elaine and Tom, of Spokane, sent $100 in memory of their parents.

A $100 donation through PayPal, previously reported, was from Robert and Pamela Cunningham, in memory of Les Patten.

Jack and Jan Arkills, of Spokane, donated $80 in lieu of giving gifts to Duane and Marnene Arkills, and to their book club, the Novel Nine.

George and Ruth Swan, of Spokane Valley, donated $75.

Dick and Ann Collins, of Spokane, sent $50, as did Beth Sweigart, Rocky and Bonnie Elliott, Arthur Patterson, Joyce and George Schroeder, and an anonymous donor, all of Spokane. Fran Christman, of Spokane Valley, donated $50, as did Bruce and Ruedene Chandler, of Newport, Wash., and Harold and Colene Hakes, of Spangle, Wash., in memory of Papa Eberly.

The Spokesman-Review Freebie Sale in early December, contributed another $44.

Karen and Kelly Ryan, of Spokane, sent $30 in memory of Pat Ryan. The Weinkauf family, of Cheney, sent $30 in honor of their beloved dog, Babe, “who died after 17 wonderful years.”

Lawrence Smith, of Spokane, donated $30, as did Albin Anstadt, of Spokane Valley; Janet Biggs, of Spokane Valley; and an anonymous donor, also of Spokane.

Glenis Brantley, of Spokane, donated $25, as did Bob and Marilyn Keen, of Liberty Lake; Patricia Stewart, Gram Lucille, and an anonymous donor, all of Spokane; and an anonymous donor, of Hayden, Idaho.

Julie Farmer, of Spokane, sent $25 in memory of her mother, Margaret Weaver, “who died a week ago and is missed.”

An anonymous donor, of Spokane, sent $20.

Lynne Ludington, of Liberty Lake, sent $15 in memory of her father, Lee Papkoff, who died last year. “I truly wish it could be more. Thank you so much for everything you do,” she wrote.

Roy Charlton, of Spokane, donated $10.